viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

Ministerio de Hacienda: "Aprovechamiento de la Biodiversidad"



HASTA BS.- 200.000

Aprobado por Resolución Ministerial Nº 665 de 31 de Diciembre de 2007.
Elaborado en base al DS N° 29190 de 11 de julio de 2007.


La Paz – Agosto de 2008


EL MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICACION DEL DESARROLLO, invita públicamente a Firmas Consultoras a presentar propuestas para “APROVECHAMIENTO DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD”


REQUERIMIENTO DE PROPUESTAS: los interesados podrán revisar, obtener información y recabar el mismo en forma gratuita en:

Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo – Unidad Administrativa a
partir del día 27 de agosto del 2008 de Hrs. 08:30 a 12:30 y 14:30 a 18:30
-Responsable de Entrega : Unidad Administrativa
-Responsable de consultas: Dirección General de Ciencia y Tecnología
-Dirección: Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 , Edif. Ex. Comibol Piso 3
-Teléfonos: 2116000 int 1614 int. 1607
-Fax: 2116000
-Dirección Electrónica: infocyt @,
-Casilla de correo No.: 12814

REUNION DE ACLARACION: La reunión de Aclaración se realizara en fecha 02 de Septiembre del 2008 Piso 3 Unidad Administrativa del Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo, a Hrs. 17:30

PRESENTACION DE PROPUESTAS: Las propuestas deberán presentarse en Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 , Edif. Ex. Comibol Piso 3 Unidad Administrativa del Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo, hasta el día 08 de septiembre de 2008 a Hrs. 10:00

ACTO DE APERTURA DE PROPUESTAS: La Apertura de Propuestas se realizará en oficinas de la Unidad Administrativa del Ministerio de lanificación del Desarrollo, el día 08 de septiembre de 2008 a horas 10:30

Ministerio de Planificacion del Desarrollo: “Diseño del Instituto Boliviano de Investigación de la Biodiversidad para el desarrollo – IBIBD”


EL MINISTERIO DE PLANIFICACION DEL DESARROLLO, invita públicamente a Firmas Consultoras a presentar propuestas para el “Diseño del Instituto Boliviano de Investigación de la Biodiversidad para el desarrollo – IBIBD”.


REQUERIMIENTO DE PROPUESTAS: los interesados podrán revisar, obtener información y recabar el mismo en forma gratuita en:

Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo – Unidad Administrativa a partir del día 28 de agosto del 2008 de Hrs. 08:30 a 12:30 y 14:30 a 18:30
  • Responsable de Entrega : Unidad Administrativa
  • Responsable de consultas: Dirección General de Ciencia y Tecnología
  • Dirección: Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 , Edif. Ex. Comibol Piso 3
  • Teléfonos: 2116000 int 1614 int. 1607
  • Fax: 2116000
  • Dirección Electrónica:,
  • Casilla de correo No.: 12814
REUNION DE ACLARACION: La reunión de Aclaración se realizara en fecha 03 de Septiembre del 2008 Piso 3 Unidad Administrativa del Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo, a Hrs. 17:30
PRESENTACION DE PROPUESTAS: Las propuestas deberán presentarse en Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz Nº 1092 , Edif. Ex. Comibol Piso 3 Unidad Administrativa del Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo, hasta el día 09 de septiembre de 2008 a Hrs. 10:00
ACTO DE APERTURA DE PROPUESTAS: La Apertura de Propuestas se realizará en oficinas de la Unidad Administrativa del Ministerio de Planificación del Desarrollo, el día 09 de septiembre de 2008 a horas 10:30

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

RAINFOREST ALLIANCE busca tecnico forestal



Título del puesto: Asistente Técnico Forestal, Iniciativa de Conservación de la Amazonía Andina
Reportar a: Coordinador Forestal Pando
Localización: Cobija Pando

Rainforest Alliance: es una organización no gubernamental sin fines de lucro, dedicada a proteger los ecosistemas, así como a las personas y la vida silvestre que habitan en ellos, mediante la transformación de las prácticas del uso del suelo, las prácticas comerciales y el comportamiento de los consumidores. Esta misión se alcanza por medio de la educación, investigación en las ciencias sociales y naturales y el establecimiento de alianzas cooperativas con empresas privadas, gobiernos y personas locales para proteger el ambiente, la vida silvestre, los trabajadores y comunidades locales.

Descripción del Proyecto: Rainforest Alliance lideriza junto con Fundación Natura de Colombia y Conservación y Desarrollo de Ecuador el Proyecto “Formas de Vida Sostenibles en la Amazonía Andina” como parte de la Iniciativa para la Conservación en la Amazonía Andina (ICAA). ICAA es una Iniciativa de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Apoyo Internacional (USAID). El componente forestal de dicho proyecto enfocará en los departamentos de Pando en Bolivia y Madre de Dios (MDD) en Perú y tiene el objetivo de apoyar a los productores forestales a través de mejores prácticas de aprovechamiento, aserrío, negocios, vínculos con el Mercado internacional de madera, desarrollo de productos, entre otros. Asimismo enfocará fuertemente en el fortalecimiento de PYMES forestales en la región, en particular PYMES comunitarias, a través de lograr mejoras en la producción, aumento de las capacidades empresariales, facilitación de enlaces con compradores y formación de socios con el proyecto.

Resumen del puesto:

Bajo la supervisión del Coordinador Forestal de Pando, el/la Asistente Forestal apoyará en la implementación de las actividades de campo definidas en el Plan de Acción de ICAA para Pando en Bolivia y Madre de Dios en Perú. El o ella proveerá apoyó general administrativo y será el vinculo del Proyecto para ayudar a garantizar la comunicación eficaz entre RA y los beneficiarios del proyecto, incluidas empresas, comunidades indígenas, ONGs y otros actores claves dentro de la región.


  • Proveer apoyo general al Coordinador Forestal en actividades del proyecto ICAA en Bolivia y Perú;
  • Participar en actividades de campo durante la implementación de las actividades del proyecto como ser entrenamiento y asistencia técnica;
  • Proporcionar asistencia general con respecto a los proyectos de capacitación;
  • Apoyar al Coordinador Forestal en la supervisión de consultores;
  • Apoyar en la recopilación de información de campo para el seguimiento de los resultados del proyecto ICAA;
  • Apoyar en la preparación de reportes de avance para USAID y RA, centrándose en los logros del proyecto


  • Titulo en Ingeniería Forestal, Biología o ramas afines;
  • Como mínimo de 1 a 2 años de experiencia técnica de campo, preferentemente en entornos Amazónicos de trabajos con empresas, comunidades indígenas, ONGs, etc.;
  • Conocimiento general del sector forestal (leyes, reglamentos, instituciones y mercados) en Bolivia y Perú;
  • Capacidad para trabajar eficazmente en diversas áreas, respetando sensibilidades políticas y sociales y cuestiones ambientales;
  • Ingles hablado y escrito, deseable
  • Excelente habilidad de manejo de programas de Office y otros programas relacionados a la actividad; y
  • Capacidad y disponibilidad para viajar el 70% del tiempo entre Madre de Dios en Perú y Pando en Bolivia.

Para aplicar:

Envíe currículo resumido con referencias laborales y personales, carta de postulación (incluyendo pretensión salarial) e historial salarial hasta el 5 de Septiembre del 2008 a: Rainforest Alliance (Atn. Recursos Humanos) E-mail:

Rainforest Alliance es una organización que brinda igualdad de oportunidades


Inicia el Viernes 05 de Septiembre de 2008 y tiene una duración de tres días presenciales.

Solicitamos nos confirmen a la brevedad posible su participación, puesto que solo contamos con cinco plazas más.


Lugar: Laboratorios del Posgrado-ESFOR
Temporal de Cala Cala Barrio Prefectural
Av. Final Atahuallpa s/n

Viernes 05 de Septiembre de hrs. 08:00 a 16:00
Sábado 06 de Septiembre de hrs. 08:00 a 16:00
Domingo 07 de Septiembre de hrs. 08:00 a 12:00


Les invitamos a participar realizando el correspondiente depósito de $us 70.- (setenta dólares americanos a pagar en bolivianos el monto de Bs. 500.-).


Para realizar el depósito y proceder a inscribirse cuentan con las siguientes alternativas:

· Depósito del monto correspondiente, a la cuenta N° 301-5023089-3-05 del Banco de Crédito de Bolivia a nombre de UMSS – EUPG. Para depósitos fuera de Bolivia el Código de Identificación Internacional es BCPLBOLX (Banco de Crédito de Bolivia).

· Transferencia directa de su Banco al Banco de Crédito de Bolivia.

· Transferencia por WESTER UNION o PRODEM a nombre de Erik Pozo Irusta con CI 5158624 Cbba.


· Toda comisión bancaria o de transferencia para concretar el pago, DEBE CORRER POR CUENTA DEL DEPOSITANTE.

· No se aceptan tarjetas de crédito.

· Efectuado el pago, ustedes estarán garantizando su plaza.

Luego de hacer la cancelación del indicado monto, deberán entregar el comprobante de transferencia o depósito (anverso y reverso, en el caso de los depósitos) aclarando su nombre, firma, carnet de identidad, origen del fax, nombre del curso y monto depositado al Posgrado ESFOR, mediante fax (591 - 4) 4451236 (interior o exterior del país), o personalmente (para residentes de la ciudad de Cochabamba).

Cualquier consulta no duden en escribirnos.

Informes e Inscripciones:

Posgrado ESFOR

Av. Final Atahuallpa s/n

Telf. - Fax: (591 - 4) 4451236 – 4456187


Página Web:

Cochabamba - Bolivia

La Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica, ACCA, convoca a las siguientes plazas para su sede en Puerto Maldonado, región Madre de Dio



  1. Formación profesional en ciencias ambientales, económicas, forestales o biológicas, con énfasis en el manejo de recursos naturales.
  2. Más de 5 años de labor en la Amazonía de Madre de Dios, en zonas de amortiguamiento de ANPs, experiencia en certificación forestal, proyectos de conservación y desarrollo; gestión de calidad y auditoria ambiental, y planificación de proyectos que involucren como componente la donación internacional.
  3. Conocimiento y experiencia de métodos y técnicas en la planificación, evaluación y monitoreo de proyectos.
  4. Habilidad en el procesamiento de información, capacidad analítica para conducir o facilitar talleres y otros eventos de participación.
  5. Capacidad dirigir recursos humanos en zonas rurales de intervención. Excelentes capacidades de comunicación. Deseable con experiencia en gestión de proyectos comunitarios y trabajo con poblaciones nativas y colonas.
  6. Carácter pro activo y organizativo, con habilidad para el trato personal, trabajo en equipo y con capacidad de liderazgo.


Profesional en ciencias ambientales, económicas, forestales o biológicas; mínimo 5 años de experiencia demostrable en el ámbito amazónico de Madre de Dios y con los perfiles referidos. Título universitario; residente o dispuesto a residir en la ciudad de Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios.



  1. Ingeniero forestal con experiencia en proyectos en el ámbito amazónico. Con capacidad de planificar y manejar proyectos de conservación de recursos y experiencia de gestión e intervención en zonas rurales.
  2. Excelentes relaciones interpersonales; capacidad de trabajo en equipo, pro activo. Dispuesto a seguir la misión institucional dentro de los más altos valores morales y personales.
  3. Excelente capacidad para apoyar y gestionar programas sobre conservación de la biodiversidad con plena participación y coordinación interinstitucional.
  4. Conocimiento comprobado del contexto social y ambiental de la región amazónica del Perú, especialmente en la región Madre de Dios.
  5. Experiencia en administrar fondos de la cooperación internacional.


Ingeniero forestal, mínimo de 3 años de experiencia demostrable en las áreas temáticas arriba descritas. Título universitario, habilitación profesional (colegiado), de preferencia residente o dispuesto a residir en la ciudad de Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios.

Para ambos cargos se recibirán los CV no documentados (máximo 4 páginas), hasta el 29 de agosto del 2008, en el Jr. Cusco, 499; Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios o en el correo electrónico:

Los postulantes deberán adjuntar carta con pretensiones salariales y tres referencias personales.

Sólo se contactará a los postulantes seleccionados para las entrevistas personales.

No se publicaran resultados.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008


Asociación para la Biología de Conservación - Bolivia, Capítulo deSociety for Conservación Biology

Centro de Análisis Espacial,Instituto de Ecología - UMSA,Instituto de Ecología - UMSA

Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica, son herramientas que están diseñados para resolver una variedad de problemas que pueden ser analizadas de manera espacial. Siendo un método computarizado permite optimizar el tiempo y el esfuerzo que pueden ser invertidos por el investigador en campo. Puede utilizarse desde la elaboración de mapas temáticos hasta el análisis en el espacio y el tiempo por medio de técnicas de sensores remotos.
Debido a la creciente demanda, tanto de investigadores como egresados de la carrera de biología, en conocer y aprender el manejo de una base de datos y software que faciliten el análisis espacial de su área de estudio antes y después de hacer el trabajo de campo.
Este curso proporcionará a los investigadores y a los estudiantes de la Carrera de Biología en general, conocimientos sobre Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), herramienta que permite la integración y análisis de datos de forma temporal y espacial.
  • Aplicar los conceptos elementales de Cartografía y representaciones digitales.
  • Aplicar los principios elementales de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica, atributos y aplicacionesGenerales.
  • Introducción a la transformación de Coordenadas mediante las aplicaciones CoordTrans y Geocalc.
  • Introducción a la práctica de SIG, con la aplicación ArcGis 9.2.
  • Demostración del uso de herramientas para la obtención y manejo de datos en la WEB (GBIF,Biogeomancer y Google Earth).
Podrán postularse candidatos (as) que sean: estudiantes de pregrado, estudiantes de postgrado y
profesionales interesados en aprender los manejos de un SIG de forma general.
Deberán contar con una computadora portátil, Pentium 4 y con 512 MB de RAM como mínimo.
Al principio del curso los participantes deberán presentar un proyecto de investigación, el cual será desarrollado durante el curso, estos proyectos pueden ser considerados con los organizadores del curso antes del inicio. El proyecto de investigación elaborado, será presentado al final del curso.
Wendy Tejeda (Centro de Análisis Espacial).
Bernardo Mendoza (Postgrado, Instituto de Ecología - UMSA ).
Los Interesados en el curso deberán enviar por correo electrónico su Formulario de aplicación al e-mail:, con copia a, hasta el día viernes 12 de septiembre de 2008. Los/as participantes seleccionados/as serán comunicados/as hasta el viernes 19 de septiembre de 2008, debiendo confirmar su asistencia al curso hasta el miércoles 23 de septiembre.
Una vez confirmada su asistencia deberán depositar el monto de la inscripción hasta el sábado 27 de septiembre en la cuenta Bancaria Nº 4023029309, del Banco Mercantil Santa Cruz, a nombre de Asociación para la Biología de la Conservación.
Una vez hecho el depósito, mandar la fecha, el número de depósito y la boleta escaneada (como
adjunto) al correo:, máximo hasta el 29 de septiembre.

Auditorio del Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, C/ 27, Cota Cota Zona Sur.

Lunes 6 al viernes 10 de Octubre de 2008.

20 personas.

Bs. 200 para Profesionales y Bs. 150 para estudiantes. Incluye Material, certificado de participación y refrigerio.
Inv. Wendy Tejeda Cel.: 77214201 - 2791141 (CAE)
Ing. Bernardo Mendoza Cel.:72595257
Asociación para la Biología de la Conservación

Research Associate – Ecology and Evolution

Imperial College London
Division of Biology
Faculty of Natural Sciences

Salary: £25,310 - £28,910 per annum

Imperial College London is ranked in the top five universities of the world, according to the 2007 Times Higher Education Supplement league tables.

We are seeking a highly analytical candidate to fill the post of Research Associate within the Department of Life Sciences at the Silwood Park Campus of Imperial College London. The successful candidate will work with Dr Tim Barraclough and his research group ( You will conduct scientific research on the ecological and evolutionary responses to changing environments in a laboratory assemblage of bacterial species. You will be required to apply a number of
techniques within the laboratory including isolation, culturing, cell density estimation and fitness assays of bacteria in monoculture and mixtures, plus some molecular techniques. You will perform independent and original research and prepare results for publication to refereed journals.

To be considered for this position, you will hold a PhD or equivalent level of professional qualification in evolutionary biology, ecology or microbiology; have experience in isolating and culturing bacteria or other microbes and a strong interest in evolutionary ecology. You will also have experience of experimental design and statistical analysis. Ideally you will have experience of laboratory evolution experiments.

The post is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for a period of 3 years in collaboration with Dr Thomas Bell at the University of Oxford.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr Tim Barraclough:

Further details and an application form can be obtained from the College employment website:

Completed application forms accompanied by a curriculum vitae and the name and contact details of two referees should be sent to: Dr Tim Barraclough, Imperial College, Silwood Park Campus, Buckhurst Road, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7PY or by email to:

Closing date: 28 August 2008

Valuing diversity and committed to equality of opportunity

Timothy Barraclough <>


A postdoctoral position in evolutionary genomics/evo-devo is available in the group of Dr. Walter Salzburger at the University of Basel, Switzerland ( The position is funded by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), a new European funding body set up to support excellent investigator- driven research (

The ERC Starting Grant 'INTERGENADAPT' will run for a period of five years. It will focus on the identification of the molecular basis of adaptation, evolutionary innovation and diversification in one of the
most exciting model systems for evolutionary research, the adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes in the East African Great Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi and Victoria. These lakes harbor ecologically and
morphologically highly diverse species flocks counting hundreds of endemic cichlid species each. We are interested in the genetic and developmental basis of the morphogenesis of sexually and naturally selected traits that might be crucial to the cichlid's evolutionary success (e.g. mouth morphology, pharyngeal jaw apparatus, color and pigmentation patterns). To do so, we will apply cutting edge
technologies. The forthcoming genomes of four cichlid species will certainly facilitate these efforts.

We are looking for a highly motivated, open-minded, creative and socially skilled young researcher that shares our enthusiasm in the study of evolution. Ideally, the candidate has some background in one
or several of the following fields: bio-informatics, developmental biology, (cichlid) fish biology, evolutionary biology, evo-devo, evolutionary genomics, molecular evolution, and/or transcriptomics.

The initial appointment will be made for one year, with a possible extension to up to three years. The salary ranges between CHF 55'000 and CHF 70'000 (per year; after tax), depending on experience. The
position is available from October 2008, the starting date is negotiable though.

To apply, please send

(1) your CV,
(2) a list of your publications,
(3) a statement of your research interests,
(4) a statement why you would like to join our team, and
(5) the names of two persons who can be contacted for a reference letter

to the following email address:

Please also use this email address for informal enquiries.

Deadline for submission is September 17th, 2008.

Note, that there is also a position open for a PhD student (3 years). Further positions will be advertised at a later stage of the grant period.
The Salzburger Lab ( is a young, multinational, open-minded, enthusiastic and creative team. We are, at present, about ten people. Our main model systems are East
African cichlid fishes, although we also study the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fishes and the diversification of Alpine taxa. We also develop our own software. Core of the Salzburger Lab is
an excellently equipped molecular laboratory with an AB 3130xl genetic analyzer, an epMotion pipetting workstation, Veriti gradient PCR machines, research microscopes, etc.

The Salzburger group is based within the evolutionary biology group of the University of Basel's Zoological Institute ( The evolutionary biology group promotes higher education and up-to- date research in organismic and evolutionary biology, thereby complementing existing strengths in life-sciences at the University of Basel. The evolutionary biology group is located in the Vesalianum in the historical part of Basel, in close proximity to other University institutes, the University hospital and the Biozentrum of the University of Basel.

The University of Basel ( is Switzerland's oldest University with a strong focus on "Culture" and "Life Sciences". About 9'000 undergraduates and 2'000 postgraduate and doctoral students are enrolled in Basel. The University is regularly ranked among the best 100 Universities worldwide and top-ten in the German speaking countries.

Basel ( is located in north-western Switzerland on the river Rhine and borders Germany (Baden-Württemberg) and France (Alsace). Basel is an open and international cultural, educational, and economic metropolis and a major centre for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. It is well connected by air transport (through the EuroAirport Basel), by train (through Swiss, German and
French train stations) and by highway. Basel has nearly forty museums and a dozen of theaters and was host city of this years UEFA Euro tournament.


En el marco de las normas SABS, el MDRAyMA requiere contratar una consultora de alto nivel, para elaborar el Estudio Técnico, Económico, Social y Ambiental (de acuerdo con el Reglamento Básico de Pre-Inversión del VIPFE), para la construcción e implementación del Componente Lagarto de la Empresa Biodiversidad Bolivia (EBB), cuyo objetivo es apoyar al desarrollo de procesos productivos de transformación con alto valor agregado de los Productos y Sub Productos derivados del Lagarto en Bolivia, en alianza con las organizaciones indígenas y comunitarias así como con otros actores.

Las características generales de la contratación son las siguientes:

* Plazo previsto para la realización de la consultoría: 90 días
* Domicilio para el proceso de contratación: Av. Camacho No. 1471 (entre Bueno y Loayza)
* Consultas: Dirección General de Biodiversidad y Áreas Protegidas (DGBAP)
* Teléfonos: 2111103 int. 270; Tel Fax: 2113012
* Horario de atención de la entidad: 8:30 a 12:30 y 14:30 a 18:30
* Publicación del (DBC) en el SICOES y en la Mesa de Partes del MDRAyMA: 15-08-2008
* Fecha límite de presentación de Cotizaciones/ Propuestas Técnicas y lectura de precios ofertados: 29/08/2008 Hrs. 9:00 a.m.

Para la consulta de los Documentos Base de Contratación (DBC) y plazos de presentación de propuestas, visitar la página

Viceministerio de Biodiversidad, Recursos Forestales y Medio Ambiente

Av. Camacho Nº 1471 entre Bueno y Loayza Telf. 211103 interno 267
La Paz - Bolivia

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008

Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad de Chile ofrece UNA beca POSTDOCTORAL

Los principales temas de trabajo son: Paleoecología y Biogeografía, Ecología de los ecosistemas, Procesos microevolutivos, Conservación y sociedad/Impactos del Cambio Global.

Fecha límite: 30 de septiembre.

Para mayor información, contactarse con el Dr. Mary T. K. Arroyo, Director, IEB, E-mail:, href="">>, Tel.: 56(2) 271-5464.

Universidad de Magallanes

Se ofrecen DOS becas POSTDOCTORALES para trabajar en la Universidad de Magallanes, Chile.
a) especies invasoras y
b) biodiversidad marina en la Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos.

El trabajo se realizara en asociación con destacados centros de investigación tanto de Chile como del mundo.

Salario: 1 millón de pesos chilenos (aprox. $2000 USD).
Comienzo de las actividades: septiembre de 2008.
Para mayor información contactarse con el Dr. Andrés Mansilla, E-mail: ,>, Tel.: 56-61-207089,, <>.

La Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) y la Universidad Austral de Chile, en el marco del /Concurso de Inserción de Investigadores/as Postdoctorales en la Academia /del Programa Bicentenario de Ciencia y Tecnología (PBCT), llaman a concurso a chilenos/as o extranjeros/as (con dominio del idioma español) y con residencia en Chile, para los siguientes cargos:
  1. BIÓLOGO/A DE LA CONSERVACIÓN*: *Doctor en Ciencias con una sólida formación en ecología, biodiversidad y conservación biológica.
  2. ECÓLOGO/A VEGETAL:* *Doctor en Ciencias con una sólida formación en ecología de bosques y paleoclimatología.
  3. ESPECIALISTA EN PROPAGACIÓN DE PLANTAS:* *Doctor en Ciencias con sólidos conocimientos en propagación y genética de árboles nativos.
El Instructivo de postulación estará disponible a partir del día 25 de Julio de 2008, en el sitio web, <>.

Las postulaciones deberán enviarse impresas a Dirección de Personal, concurso Nº 17-08, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567 Valdivia-Chile.

El plazo de postulación vence el día viernes 03 de Octubre a las 17:00 horas.

Para consultas sobre información no especificada en el contenido del sitio web, contactarse con: Decanato Facultad de Ciencias Forestales Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, E-mail:>. Tel.: +56 (63) 221230, Fax: +56 (63) 221227.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

Presentación publicación "Visión de Conservación de la Biodiversidad del Corredor Amboró-Madidi"

Conservación Internacional
The Nature Conservancy
Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza
Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza

tienen el agrado de invitar a usted a la presentación del libro:

"Visión de Conservación de la Biodiversidad del Corredor Amboró-Madidi"

Se realizara el día miércoles 20 de agosto a horas 19:OO en la Sala Bicentenario del Campo Ferial de Bajo Següencoma, 13' Feria Internacional de Libro, Patrimonio Cultural de La Paz.

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008

ZooKeys journal

ZooKeys is now online and in business.

Please go to

And see a new and better alternative to ZooTaxa.

Read our Editorial and appreciate our vision to provide the best
meansto rapidly disseminate information about animals today and
to continueto evolve into the best for tomorrow.

We all owe a great debt to Dr Z. Q. Zhang for his vision and
dedicationin creating a new means of rapid dissemination of
information aboutanimals. His ZooTaxa has changed the face of
Systematic Zoology since itwas launched in 2001.

Now we humbly launch ZooKeys building on ZooTaxa example and

So go today to our ZooKeys website. Look at the first couple of
papersand bookmark the site as you will want to go back frequently
and watchhow we expand and evolve, trying to provide the best for
the ZoologicalCommunity.

F. Christian Thompson
Systematic Entomology Lab., ARS, USDA
c/o Smithsonian Institution MRC-0169
PO Box 37012
Washington, D. C. 20013-7012
(202) 382-1800 voice
(202) 786-9422 fax Diptera Website

PhD Posistion

Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Project Area D "Laboratory Centre"

Job Title: PhD Position [#D07]

Reference Code: Ref. PG D 5.2 [#D07]

Job Location: Frankfurt/Main


Status: Part-Time/Adjunct/Substitute

Job Category: Biology/biotechnology/life sciences

Application Closing Date: 8/19/2008

Job Description

* / Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre / *

The Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre has recently been founded by the Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, and additional partners. It is funded by the Hessian State Initiative for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE). The mission of the Centre is to carry out internationally outstanding research on the interactions of biodiversity and climate change at the organism level. The Project Area D "Laboratory Centre" invites applications for a *PhD Position - Ref. PG D 5.2 [#D07] BAT II a / 2 *

The applicant will develop a technique for the automated molecular identification (barcoding) of scientifically and economically important freshwater communities. To this end, a data bank with nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences has to be established based on specimens which have been identified taxonomically by experts in advance. With their aid quantitative and qualitative analyses of species compositions in mixed samples will be established using second generation sequencing techniques (pyro-sequencing).

Job Requirements

The applicant should hold an earned Diploma or Master degree in biology, preferably with a strong focus on transcriptome analysis using high throughput technologies. She or he should already have experiences with taxonomic concepts, data banks and should be interested to cooperate with taxonomists of the Research Institute and Natural Museum Senckenberg. Very good written and oral English language skills and an interest in joining a multidisciplinary research team are required. Knowledge of German would be an advantage, and at least the willingness to learn basic German is required.

Information and Application Process Instructions

Salary and benefits are according to a public service position in Germany (BAT IIa/2).

The Research Centre advocates gender equality. Women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Equally qualified severely handicapped applicants will be given preference.

The contract shall start as soon as possible and will initially be restricted to 2 years with a possible extension being subject to personal performance and availability of funds. The duty station will be Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Official employer is SENCKENBERGISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT.

Please send your application by mail or e-mail, including a detailed CV, 3 references and a list of publications, until August 19, 2008 to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. V. Mosbrugger, Scientific Coordinator Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. E-mail to Personal & Service:

For enquiries about the position and the contract conditions please write to Prof. Dr. B. Stribrny (E-mail: and for scientific enquiries to PD Dr. M. Pfenninger (E-mail: or Prof. Dr. J. Oehlmann (E-mail:

When inquiring or applying for this position, please also reference /Academic Careers Online. /

To obtain more information or to submit your resume you can contact Bernd Schleich as shown below. If you apply for this position, please say you saw it first on Thank you.

Bernd Schleich



PD Dr. Markus Pfenninger

Abt. Ökologie & Evolution


BioCampus Siesmayerstraße

D 60054 Frankfurt am Main


Tel.: ++ 49 69 798 24714

Fax : ++ 49 69 798 24910


Markus Pfenninger

7 research positions for Post-doc - CIBIO

CIBIO is a young and highly dynamic Research Center located close to Porto, in the north of Portugal, which aims to be an international Centre of Excellence in the fields of Biodiversity and Evolution, offering great opportunities for multidisciplinary research. The Centre occupies recently-built facilities, and now has approximately 55 researchers holding a PhD degree and more than 50 MSc and PhD students, as well as people from many different countries. The working atmosphere is vibrant and enthusiastic, and the CIBIO is regularly visited by many scientists from abroad. The Centre has fully equipped molecular laboratories (multiple PCR rooms, automated sequencers, real-time PCR machines, etc), as well as technicians, and the necessary equipment for fieldwork. In 2007, we were able to get 7 research positions, and successful research scientists came from places as different as Colorado, Alaska, Utah and Montpellier, among others, to work in molecular phylogenetics, biodiversity and conservation, theoretical population genetics and plant evolution. For 2008, we are now advertising seven 5-years full research contracts (, and expect to recruit enthusiastic and highly motivated researchers in the areas indicated below. The positions are expected to start by the end of 2008.

1. Genetics of host-parasite interactions

A 5-year research position, renewed yearly, is available at CIBIO (, Portugal, in the area of genetics of host-parasite interactions. Although the exact field of research is open, the researcher is likely to work on the study of genetic variation at host candidate genes that confer resistance against diseases, possibly using the European rabbit as a model species, because these are prime candidates for undergoing adaptive evolutionary change. It would be desirable if the candidate had previous experience working with immunogenetic markers (namely MHC, immunoglobulin genes, cytokine and chemokine receptors), with particular focus on the molecular evolution of such genes as well as detection of natural selection and recombination events. The candidate must have a PhD and a minimum of 3 years postdoctoral experience. A sound knowledge of molecular evolution will be reflected in the candidate?s Curriculum Vitae, that evidences a significant publication record in SCI journals for the above-mentioned topics. Experience is expected in the supervision of postgraduate students (both MSc and PhD theses) and on the preparation, development and coordination of scientific projects. The candidate is expected to establish solid international collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. The candidate should also be a good communicator (speaking and writing fluent English) and may participate in teaching at MSc and PhD levels. Candidates will be assessed initially on their CV, followed by a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

2. Sexual selection and mating systems

A 5-year research position, renewed yearly, is available at CIBIO (, Portugal, in the area of behavioural ecology and evolution. Applicants should have a PhD Degree in Biology and a minimum of 3 years of research experience at post-doc level, preferably in the fields of ecology and animal behaviour. The researcher is expected to integrate a Behavioural Ecology & Evolution research group and will study animal behaviour from a multidisciplinary perspective, combining experimental analysis of behaviour with ecological and evolutionary work. Among the main research topics to be covered, special attention will be given to the evolution of mating systems, sexual selection and other reproduction related topics. Given the ongoing environmental alterations, a clear focus will be devoted to the analysis of some of the above-mentioned subjects in populations that inhabit the extremes of a species geographical distribution. As such, the candidate is expected to have experience in studying animal behaviour, both in the laboratory as well as in the field, and show solid knowledge in experimental design and biostatistics. Since some of the model organisms expected to be used are mainly marine, a diver's certificate may be considered useful. Additional key requirements involve excellence in research, translated into a significant publication record in SCI journals on the above stated topics, proven ability to build up independent research initiatives, such as established involvement in the development, preparation and coordination of research projects, PhD student supervising experience and a clear vision on national and international research priorities. A history of conference attendance and organisation will also be considered valuable. The candidate is expected to be fluent in English, as well as a good communicator, as he will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels. Thus, prior experience in post-graduate teaching will be considered an advantage. The ranking of the candidates will result from the analysis of the Curriculum vitae together with a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

3. Evolutionary ecology

A 5-year research position, renewed yearly, is available at CIBIO (, Portugal, in the area of Evolutionary Ecology. Although the exact field of research is open, the expected researcher is likely to work on in the following aspects: 1) evolution of behavioural mechanisms for reproductive isolation between phylogenetically related species; 2) relative contributions of phylogeny, adaptation and phenotypic plasticity to the organisation of phenotype; 3) coevolution (cophylogeny and coadaptation) between organisms, particularly hosts and parasites; 4) competitive interactions between closely related organisms; and 5) character evolution in the phylogeny and mechanistic approaches for explaining distribution patterns. We expect a person with an interdisciplinary attitude, more oriented to the topics that to the techniques.

Experience with the organisms of the Mediterranean region is desirable but the candidate should be prepared to extend his/her research to other areas and ecosystems. The candidate is expected to develop strong collaborations with other researchers within the CIBIO, especially those working in phylogeny, population genetics and ecological modelling. The candidate should have a degree in Biology, a minimum of 3 years as Post-doc and a Curriculum vitae proving solid knowledge in ecology and evolutionary biology. The candidate should additionally have a significant publication record in SCI journals for the above-mentioned topics and supervised academic theses (both MSc

and PhD theses). Teaching experience at University level, as well as involvement in international scientific societies, will be appreciated. A history of conference organisation and attendance will also be considered valuable. Experience is expected on the preparation and coordination of scientific projects. The candidate is expected to build his own research group, establish solid international collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. The candidate should be a good communicator and speak and write fluent English, and will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels. The ranking of candidates will result from a global appreciation of the Curriculum vitae followed by a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

4. Behavioural Ecology

A 5-year research position, renewed yearly, is available at CIBIO (, Portugal, in the area of Behavioural Ecology. Although the exact field of research is open, the researcher is likely to work on the general field of life history evolution in vertebrates and is expected to integrate a Behavioural Ecology & Evolution research group. This may include the evolution of reproductive behaviour (e.g. reproductive traits, sexual selection), sociality or immuno-ecology. The candidate is expected to develop field-based projects, although an interest in comparative analyses is also beneficial. It is further advantageous if the researcher integrates molecular tools in his/her work as this would make the most of the laboratory facilities available at CIBIO and would facilitate collaboration with existing groups. The candidate should have a degree in Biology, a minimum of 3 years as Post-doc and a Curriculum vitae proving solid experience designing and carrying out field experiments and performing sophisticated statistical analyses. The candidate should additionally have a significant publication record in SCI journals for the above mentioned topics and supervised academic theses. A history of conference organisation and attendance will also be considered valuable. Experience is expected on the preparation and coordination of scientific projects. The candidate is expected to build his own research group, establish solid international collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. The candidate should be a good communicator and speak and write fluent English, and may be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels. The ranking of candidates will result from a global appreciation of the Curriculum vitae followed by a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

5. Livestock population genomics and domestication

A 5-year research position, renewed yearly, is available at CIBIO (, Portugal, in the area of Livestock Population Genomics and Domestication. The candidate should have a solid research background in multiple livestock species, using multiple genetic markers, and show to have a good understanding of the domestication process, not only from the genetic point of view, but as well as possess a reasonable knowledge of anthropological and archaeological theories related with animal domestication. The candidate should also have experience working on the evolutionary and demographic history of livestock species. Accordingly, he/she is expected to master population genetics theory and be involved in studies for the detection of adaptive variation using population genomics approaches to better understand population history and the genetic basis of adaptation/performance in livestock species. It should have a full understanding of livestock species origins or worldwide patterns of genetic diversity distribution. It is appreciated if he/she already started to build a worldwide network of collaborators for future research in livestock population genomics and genetic resource conservation. The post will also likely involve collaboration with developing countries from regions considered potential centers of domestication or hot-spots of livestock diversity. Therefore, it is also expected that the candidate already have experience of working in those regions with local researchers. The candidate should have a PhD in biology, population genetics, animal sciences or related fields, a minimum of 3 years as Post-doc and a Curriculum vitae proving solid knowledge in population genetics and domestication of livestock species. The candidate should additionally have a significant publication record in SCI journals for the above mentioned topics and supervised or co-supervised academic theses (both MSc and PhD theses). A history of lecturing and organizing international advanced courses in this field will also be considered valuable. Experience is expected on the preparation and coordination of scientific projects. The candidate is expected to build his own research group, establish solid international collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. The candidate should be a good communicator and speak and write fluent English, and will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels. The ranking of candidates will result from a global appreciation of the Curriculum vitae followed by a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

6. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

A 5-year research contract, renewed yearly, will be available at CIBIO (, University of Porto, in the area of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Applicants are expected to have an excellent research record and to show the potential to interact with other teams to create a new platform of bioinformatics and computation biology. The candidate should be able at first to interact with other teams from CIBIO helping them to solve scientific questions by developing new computational tools, applications, and databases. The candidate should have a degree in computer sciences, bioinformatics or biology and have a minimum of 3 years as Post-doc and a Curriculum vitae proving solid knowledge in bioinformatics/computation biology, with priority for knowledge in computer modeling and applications in a broad range of biological sciences, with special emphasis on genomics and comparative genomics, population biology, genetics, ecology. It is also expected that the candidate possess a moderate back ground in biology and a solid background on computer programming languages (e.g., C++, Java, ada, php, python, SQL), with all platforms (Unix, Windows, OS X, GNU) analytical statistics and new algorithm creation. The candidate should additionally have a significant publication record in SCI journals for the above mentioned topics and supervised or co-supervised academic theses (both MSc and PhD theses). A history of lecturing and organizing international advanced courses in this field will also be considered valuable. Experience is expected on the preparation and coordination of scientific projects. The candidate is expected to build his own research group, establish solid international collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. The candidate should be a good communicator and speak and write fluent English, and will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels. The ranking of candidates will result from a global appreciation of the Curriculum vitae followed by a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

7. Island biogeography and systematics

A 5-year research contract, renewed yearly, will be available at CIBIO (, in the area of Island Biogeography and Systematics. The candidate should have a degree in biology and have a minimum of 3 years as Post-doc and a Curriculum vitae demonstrating good knowledge on the evolutionary and ecological processes determining biodiversity patterns, particularly on island ecosystems, with an emphasis on the Azores and other Macaronesian Archipelagos, and on the taxonomy and phylogenetic, phylogeographic, paleobiogeographic and neobiogeographic relationships of the island biota. The candidate should additionally have a significant publication record in SCI journals for the above mentioned topics and experience on the preparation, participation and coordination of scientific projects. A history of lecturing and organizing international advanced courses and scientific meetings in this field will also be considered valuable. The candidate is expected to establish solid international collaborations, and be able to attract national and international funding. The candidate should also be a good communicator and speak and write fluent English, and will be invited to participate in teaching at the MSc and PhD levels. The ranking of candidates will result from a global appreciation of the Curriculum vitae followed by a job interview. Salary corresponds to a gross annual income of 43000 euros (before taxes).

In all cases, applications including a detailed CV, a statement of research interests and motivation, as well as the emails of at least three referees will be accepted until September 30, 2008. The position is expected to start in November-December 2008, but the appointment of successful candidates is dependent on a final approval by FCT? "Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,". Informal inquiries and applications should be addressed to:

Dra. Sara Ferreira

Gestora de Ciência e Tecnologia

CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos

Campus Agrário de Vairão, Universidade do Porto

4485-661 Vairão


Telef: 351.252.660411

Fax: 351.252.661780


Nuno Ferrand de Almeida

1. CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos

Campus Agrário de Vairão

Universidade do Porto

4485-601 Vairão


Fax: 00351252661780

Tel: 00351252660411


2. Departamento de Zoologia e Antropologia

Faculdade de Ciências do Porto

4099-002 Porto


Tel: 00351223401400


Postdoctoral Positions available at Emory University

Molecular Genetics and Evolution of Dim-Light and Color Vision

For the last 20 years, we have been studying the molecular genetics and evolution of color vision in a diverse range of species, from fish to human. We are currently cloning the opsin genes of five deep-sea fishes lampfish (S. leucepsarus), loosejaw (A. scintillans), scabbardfish (L. fitchi), thornyhead (S. altivelis), and viperfish (C. macouni), which live at different depths, ranging from 200 to 4,000 m. Among these, the lampfish and viperfish emit bioluminescence at ~480 and the loosejaw at ~480 and ~700 nm. We plan to explore three features of visual pigments: 1) the molecular and chemical bases of the spectral tuning of visual pigments; 2) exploration of adaptive evolution by engineering ancestral pigments and performing mutagenesis analyses; and 3) co-evolution of paralogous pigments in each of the five deep-sea fish species. In experiments, molecular/cellular methods, such as construction and screening of DNA and cDNA libraries, DNA sequencing, mutagenesis, and transfection of cultured cells will be heavily used. In theoretical analyses, quantum chemical computations are performed in the Prof. Keiji Morokuma's (Co-PI) laboratory in Chemistry Department.

Currently, we are looking for recent graduates who are well versed in experimental molecular biology/genetics and are interested in evolution. If you are interested, please send CV to:

Shozo Yokoyama, Ph. D.

Asa G. Candler Professor of Biology

Department of Biology

Emory University

1510 Clifton Road

Rollins Research Center

Atlanta, GA 30322



lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008


30 SEPTEMBER, 2008

The Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) in Chile is offering a number of two-year postdoctoral positions for carrying out research in Chile related to the main research Foci and Cross-cutting themes of the Institute. Fellowships include a monthly stipend and an allowance for research expenses. Interested applicants should already be in possession of a Ph.D. degree or equivalent by 30 September, 2008. The two-year positions are open to Chilean citizens and foreigners living in and outside Chile, and may be held at any of the academic institutions associated with IEB. Fellows may use their stipends to support up to two months stay in a foreign country if this is considered desirable to carry out part of the proposed research. Knowledge of Spanish is not a requirement.

The main research Foci and Cross cutting themes are:

1) Palaeoecology and Biogeography

2) Ecosystems Ecology

3) Microevolutionary Processes

4) Conservation and Society / Global Change Impacts

IEB functions in a network mode and encourages collaborative and comparative research. Its lead scientists are academics at the Universidad de Chile (Santiago), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago), Universidad de La Serena (La Serena), Universidad de Concepción (Concepción) and Universidad de Magallanes (Punta Arenas).

More detailed information on the current specific research themes of the lead researchers of IEB and full listings of their scientific publications can be found at

A Chilean Millennium Science Institute


Persons who wish to apply for an IEB postdoctoral award should:

a) Establish formal contact with an IEB scientist so as to ascertain mutual interests.

b) Send the following materials to: The Fellowship Committee, Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB).

1) A letter from an IEB scientist indicating his/her willingness to host the research.

2) Evidence of completion of a Ph.D. in the last three years and at the time of the closure of the competition.

3) CV, including full bibliographic citations of all scientific publications, academic positions held, other experience, any previous postdoctoral positions, current telephone numbers, fax and e-mail.

4) Two letters of recommendation from scientists who are familiar with the candidate´s work. One letter must be from the candidate's major professor (thesis advisor). Letters should rank the intellect, performance, writing skills, and capacity for collaborative research of the applicant in relation to other peers.

5) A one-page outline (single-spaced) of research goals and the questions to be addressed for the period of the fellowship. Include statements describing how the proposed research fits into the research themes developed at IEB and what publications and other products can be expected.

The deadline for reception of application materials is 30 September, 2008.

Application materials should be sent to:

Regular mail:

Fellowship Committee, Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB), c/o Dr. Carolina Henríquez, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile.

Courier packages:

Fellowship Committee, Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB), c/o Dr. Carolina Henríquez, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Las Palmeras 3425, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Phone 56(2) 9787345.

Materials can be sent by e-mail to: Cc:

For further information, contact, Dr. Mary T. K. Arroyo, Director, IEB


Phone: 56(2) 271-5464

Selected applicants will be advised on or before 15 October, 2008. Awardees should be available to begin their fellowships in Chile not later than 1 January, 2009.