1. Sectoral impacts on pollinators and pollination services, primary supervisor: Jane Stout, Trinity College Dublin (jane.stout@tcd.ie)
2. Biocontrol in agroecosystems, primary supervisor: Mark Emmerson, University College Cork (m.emmerson@ucc.ie)
3. Impacts of bioenergy crops on soil carbon sequestration, primary supervisor: Mike Jones, Trinity College Dublin (mike.jones@tcd.ie)
4. Road landscaping, native biodiversity and invasion resistance, primary supervisor: Padraig Whelan, University College Cork (p.whelan@ucc.ie)
5. Impacts of introduced oysters on native benthic diversity, primary supervisor: Tas Crowe, University College Dublin (tasman.crowe@ucd.ie)
Salary: €17,000 per annum tax free studentship, plus EU-fees for four years
***Non EU-residents are welcome to apply but would be required to pay additional fees of ~€5500/year***
Start Date: 01 October 2008 (Aug/Sep 2008 for position 5)
Applicants must have (or realistically expect to achieve) a first or upper second class Bachelors, or Masters Degree in a biological science (Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences or similar). Previous experience in carrying out biological field work would be advantageous, and competence in statistical analysis and GIS is highly desirable. Candidates should be enthusiastic, highly motivated, and willing and physically able to undertake extended periods of fieldwork. In addition, applicants must be competent in written and spoken English, and hold a full, clean driving license. Further information is available from the respective primary supervisors and http://www.tcd.ie/naturalscience/new_positions/EnvSci.php
Additional skills are desirable for individual projects as follows:
1. Identification of pollinators, experience in genetic analysis
2. Identification of biocontrol agents (ground predators), identification of arable weeds
3. Experience in plant ecophysiology, measurement of greenhouse gas emissions
4. Experience in taxonomy and ecology of terrestrial plants
5. Experience of diving, boat-handling and identifying marine invertebrates
Please apply by sending a letter, outlining your suitability for the post, and your full curriculum vitae, containing the names and contact details (address, telephone, e-mail and fax) of three referees, to the project manager
Jens Dauber
Botany Building, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College
Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
e-mail: dauberj@tcd.ie
If you wish to apply for >1 post, please send separate letters for each.
Applications by e-mail welcomed. Please note there is no application form to be completed.
Deadline for applications is Friday 13th June 2008.
Jens Dauber
Dr Jane C Stout
Lecturer, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2, Ireland
Email stoutj@tcd.ie, Tel +353-1-8963761, Fax +353-1-8961147