Mendoza, Argengina
9 - 14 August 2009
The 10 th INTERNATIONAL MAMMALOGICAL CONGRESS (IMC- 10) will be held in Mendoza, Argentina,between August 9th to 14, 2009. These meetings gather mammalogists all over theworld. Past IMC Congresses were held in Japan, South Africa, Mexico, Australia, Italy, Canada, Finland Czechslovakia and USSR.9 - 14 August 2009
Venue: Mendoza Convention Center, Mendoza Province, Argentina
Official Language: English
The Congress is hosted by the Center for Science & Technology (CONICET), the Institute for Aridlands Research, the Biodiversity Research Group ((IADIZA, GiB), and the Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos (SAREM).