domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

PhD Student Molecular Evolution / Plant Pathology

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is part of the ETH Domain. Approximately 500 people work on topics related to the sustainable use and protection of the environment and on an integrated approach to handling natural hazards. The Phytopathology group of the Research Unit Ecological Genetics and Evolution is investigating fungus-virus interactions with the aim to develop biological control options for plant pathogens. For the project CCES-GEDIHAP "The role of genetic diversity in host-pathogen interactions in dynamic environments", which involves eight research groups of the ETH Domain we are seeking a PhD Student Molecular Evolution / Plant Pathology

You will investigate evolutionary processes in the interaction between the fungal tree pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica and its hyper-parasitic hypovirus CHV-1, seek to understand the relationships among genetic diversity, virulence and temperature in this pathosystem and publish your results in international journals. The project will involve field sampling along temperature gradients, laboratory experiments, and molecular-genetic analyses.

Your qualification: Master of Science with emphasis on ecological/evolutionary genetics, plant pathology or virology, experience with common genetic lab techniques and statistics, good English communication and writing skills, open-minded, innovative and motivated personality.

Interested? Please send your complete application including photo, using reference number 528 to Mrs Monika Huber, Human Resources WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf. Switzerland. Dr. Daniel

Rigling, tel. +41- (0)44 739 24 15, will be happy to answer any questions or offer further information.


Dr. Daniel Rigling,

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL

Ecological Genetics & Evolution

CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Phone: ++41-44-739-2415

Fax: ++41-44-739-2215